Our works

Articles contributed to the Hyakujushi Economic Research Institute

The unpaved path is not always the best path

A short article contributed to the Hyakujishi Economic Research Insititute, a Shikoku-based think-tank, for their website of English information resources for international pilgrimage.

For some long-distance hikers, the fact that more than 80% of the Shikoku Pilgrimage trail is paved road seemed an immediate drawback. Is long-distance hiking all about being in nature all the time? Doesn’t paved road trail have any charms and meanings?

“HIKE! TOKUSHIMA” for the East Tokushima Tourism Authority

To introduce and promote beautiful yet less-known hidden gem trails in the Eastern Tokushima area to mountain-loving tourists from both inside and outside Japan, in 2020, we helped the East Tokushima Tourism Authority to create their first full-color booklets focusing exclusively on hiking trails.
What did we do? Pretty much everything! Field research, in other words, we actually walked all trails, selecting the very best, drawing the trail maps, making height charts, writing all contents in both Japanese and English, guiding and directing all photoshoots with talented local professional photographers, selecting the photos, and even directing the designs. Oh, we need to mention that you can see yours truly modeling in many photos.

English edition
Japanese edition

Articles contributed to the East Tokushima Tourism Authority

Articles contributed to Ramdomwire.com

Articles contributed to Anrakuji, The 6th temple of Shikoku 88 temple pilgrimage (written in Japanese)