The life-changing walking over 1400km on the Shikoku Pilgrimage
Day 13-14 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Onagawa 女川町
Day 12 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Mt.Dairokutenyama 大六天山
Day 11 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): The Oshika Peninsula 牡鹿半島
Day 10 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Mt. Kinkasan Island 金華山
Thailand: Exploring caves in Railay Beach, Krabi
Day 9 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Tashirojima & Ajishima islands 田代島 & 網地島
Day 20.2 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage: T21 Tairyuji 太龍寺 & the Oldest Trail
Day 20.1 of the Shikoku Pilgrimage: T20 Kakurinji 鶴林寺
Day 8 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Ishinomaki 石巻市
Day 7 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Urato Islands 浦戸諸島
How to hike the Urato Islands on MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail)
Day 6 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Tagajo & Shiogama 多賀城市&塩竈市
Day 5 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Natori 名取市
Day 4 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Abukuma River & Iwanuma 阿武隈川と岩沼市
Day 3 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Watari horst mountains traverse 亘理地塁山地縦走
Day 2 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Mt. Karou 鹿狼山
Day1 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Soma, the Southern Terminus 相馬市