Trails in Japan– tag –
Day 6 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Tagajo & Shiogama 多賀城市&塩竈市
We stayed at Dormy Inn Express Sendai Port last night, and it had amazing onsens. So, we really got re-energized. Plus, we knew today would be a relatively shorter distance walk, 15km, than in past days, so we were able to enjoy a slow m... -
Day 5 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Natori 名取市
Japanese/日本語版 The Routein Hotel Natori ルートインホテル名取 we stayed last night was only two stations away from the Sendai International Airport 仙台国際空港 terminal station. Though the airport area strangely lacked accommodations,... -
Day 4 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Abukuma River & Iwanuma 阿武隈川と岩沼市
We have been lucky with the weather situation since Day 1. Today was supposed to be raining again, but when we woke up and opened the hotel room curtains, the sun was already high in the sky, shining brightly, and outside even looked alr... -
Day 3 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Watari horst mountains traverse 亘理地塁山地縦走
Day 3 of our Michinoku Coastal Trail (MCT: みちのく潮風トレイル) thru-hike was 20.8km for 7.5 hours of peaks and ridge line walking on Watari horst mountains (亘理地塁山地). -
Day 2 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Mt. Karou 鹿狼山
Day 2 of our Michinoku Coastal Trail (MCT: みちのく潮風トレイル) thru-hike was 27.4km for 8.5 hours hiking on Mt. Karou (鹿狼山) and through yamamoto town (山元町). -
Day1 of MCT (Michinoku Coastal Trail): Soma, the Southern Terminus 相馬市
We took the first step of over 1000km of thru-hike on Michinoku Coastal Trail (MCT: みちのく潮風トレイル.) Day 1 was 28.2km for 7.5 hours walking through Soma city (相馬市.)